Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How do you get unstuck?

I was thinking about getting unstuck after watching people repeat their scripts too many times. People getting stuck in a rut that clamps down like a bear trap. I guess the first rule is looking through the maxims that you've used for a long time to build parameters.
One of my favorite maxims was, "Never decorate your prison cell because it means you're planning on staying."
This is the one I use when I move because there's lack of movement in some area of my life. 
Yeah, it sounds good except that decorating a cell and staying for a while is not a bad idea; some great books have been written, ideas unpacked and set free  in small cells. Gramsci, Boethius, King all germinated ideas in the lockup.
I am getting unstuck by sticking...for a while to the idea that the cell in which I find myself today needs a bit of paint and a portrait on the wall and it's okay, it's okay.

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