Sunday, August 8, 2010

Group Sets and Get Rich Slow Schemes

Odilia Rivera Santos

writing is a solitary activity and attempts at writing in a group make me crave being alone in a crowd at the local Wifi activated coffee shop.
i think writers' groups are for people who need instant gratification.
my gratification can be delayed but that may be a leftover from my masochistic perfectionistic childhood.
i started writing to learn English, then used language to defend myself, and it became a comfort through the emotional battles we all face
a friend mentioned that networking is necessary and going to events . . . might be a good thing.

i'd rather keep my nose to the grindstone as it were and think of meditation as a form of networking.
the universe will bring my novels to an appreciative audience and my plays will be playing at some fancy theaters!

i am busy at work visualizing the perfect writing scenario and writerly life devoid of inane conversations and plenty of fresh pineapple delivered to me on a silver tray to my overly-pillowed bed where i lie telling gorgeous stories that blend historical fiction with fairy tales.

in the meantime, if you want to talk art and you're not a competitive artist, you can find me on Twitter
Buy my e-book! Latinalogue, Puerto Rican Nonfiction Part I

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